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Paul Bruce's Blog

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Permanent solution for Nose Acne

By Paul Bruce at 2011-01-24 05:54:18

Hey everyone. Anthony here. I want to talk a bit about what I do when I have a pimple in my nose. When I get a pimple in my nose, it can be very painful. If it's on the outside of the nose, you have to deal with everyone seeing it. If it's on the inside of the nose, it makes your nose so sore and swollen. The battle with acne is brutal enough without worrying about acne and self-esteem issues but it should be considered since the emotional impact can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts.

The nose can become especially prone to pimples and blackheads because it is part of the T-zone. This is an area of the face that tends to produce more oil than usual. The nose also gets to be in constant contact with our hands. The hormone testosterone plays a big role in causing acne. A sudden increase in testosterone in the body pushes the oil glands into overdrive, making the skin oilier than usual and leading to pimple breakouts.

As big an issue a pimple on your nose can be for your social life, it's not difficult at all to treat. In fact, if you do nothing, it will go away on its own, without any medications or creams. In fact, some of the treatments you can do might actually make things worse. In your daily life, your skin builds up dirt, grease, smoke, and other impurities. This is what causes your pores to get clogged up in the first place.

Acne as we all know is most common among adolescents. Acne rosacea on the contrary is most common among people with fair skin who are between the ages of 30 and 50. The good news about rosacea is that unlike in acne there are no whiteheads or blackheads. If the disease persist it is best to seek medical attention. Acne rosacea could appear and automatically disappear but there is good chance of it reappearing.

Before telling you some awesome acne tips, you must first be aware of the different acne stages. Mild acne involves black and whiteheads small in size and numbers around the face, mainly around the forehead and nose. There are several products on the market for exfoliation, but be careful. Many of them are not meant for people like myself who have very sensitive skin.

Acne goes from moderate to severe when either blackheads and whiteheads get swollen, infected, and painful to the touch. The infections become gradually more severe as they occur deeper in the pores. You are not totally out of the woods though. You can still break out with these products too. The trick is that you have to be aware of what you are doing to your skin.

Acne can be brought on by stress, and blackheads too, can be the reaction of this, so try and pay close attention to your stress levels. The same can be said for blackheads, as they are also made from natural body oils. Many people try and jump to the first solution, which is usually acne creams or wipes. This is only a short term remedy for nose acne, and will not work in the long run.

Read about beauty tips Also read about best treatment for acne and night creams
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